Wealthy Banyan

Wealthy Banyan


The ficus microcarpa ‘Wealthy Banyan’ is a tropical bonsai which belongs to the family of Ficaceae.  For cultivation of this ficus, it is necessary that you place it in a well-lit area, but no direct sunlight, as well as keep the plant in indirect sunlight for at least three hours.

This ficus is a great starter banyan with a nice shape and can be used as a single center tree or grown into a multi trunk specimen. It takes both sun and shade, as well as regular watering. Once established, it makes an excellent house plant and can grow indoors year-round.


Name: Ficus Microcarpa Wealthy Banyan Tray/Plug Seedlings

Height: About 15-30cm

Quality: High Quality

Suitable growth temperature: 18-30 C

Origin: China

Certificate: Phytosanitray certificate

Transportation: By air

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