

Humidity: Average to above-average 50% or more, but it can tolerate slightly lower levels. If too low, move your plant to humid rooms like the bathroom, have a pebble tray, or buy a humidifier.

Temperature: Keep the temperature range at 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18-29°C) for optimum growth. Avoid sudden dips or spikes, cold drafts, and temperatures below 55°F (12.8 °C). Also, don’t place your plant near a heat source.

Light needs: P. sodiroi needs bright, indirect light but won’t mind medium indirect light.

Soil mix: The best soil mix for Philodendron sodiroi should be well-drained, aerated, and high in organic matter.

Watering: when watering, saturate the potting mix until excess water flows from drainage holes, then discard any that collects on the saucer.

Feeding: Feed your plant once a month using a balanced, liquid houseplant fertilizer .
Pruning and grooming: Regularly prune dead, damaged, or diseased leaves with sterilized gardening scissors and wipe or clean dusty or dirty leaves. Also, you can cut back the plant stems in spring or summer to control growth.

Repotting: Repotting is after every 2-3 years or rootbound (roots growing in circles inside the pot and from drainage holes). Use a pot 2-3 inches wider in diameter.
Support or stake: Provide and train your sodiroi on a moss pole, totem, trellis, or any other climbing stake or support.

Philodendron sodiroi is a lovely, easy to care for, and air purifying climbing houseplant. It has beautiful, large, heart-shaped leaves with silvery-grey mottling and light green prominent veins and margin.

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