Calathea Roseopicta

Calathea Roseopicta

Light Requirements:Bright, indirect light. Place in a bright room, but avoid direct sunlight.
Watering:Water thoroughly once the top inch of soil feels dry. check your plant regularly and carefully to see if it needs to be watered. Make sure to let the pot drain thoroughly after watering.
Soil:Well-draining, but moisture-retentive soil. . If using a pre-made potting mix, try adding 1/3 perlite to improve drainage.
Pruning:Prune dead or damaged foliage just above soil level to keep your plant looking its best and to reduce risk of pests or disease.
Re-Potting:Often struggles after repotting, so wait until growth is restricted or your plant becomes very rootbound.

Calathea roseopicta needs bright indirect light, consistently moist soil, and high humidity. The soil should be well-draining with enough aeration material to never become soggy. Normal room temperatures are suitable; avoid cold below 60ºF (15ºC). Feed lightly during the growing season.

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