Pink Sycamore

Pink Sycamore

Location: It is a great indoor plant. You can keep it in your room, dining hall, study table, or anywhere you want but keep it near the window. East or North-facing windows will be an ideal location.

Soil Mix: Medium textured soil with ph. 5.5-6.5 is best suited for the plant. Soil should be well-drained. As it is a fleshy plant and can store water. 6-8 inch pot size i.e. enough for this plant. Adding charcoal pieces to the soil mix will add to drainage, prevent fungal infection and also provide nutrition.

Temperature: Temperature of 15 -30 degrees Celsius is good for pink Syngonium. This temperature will help to grow more foliage with vibrant colors. Lower temperature will cause stunted growth.

Watering: Watering should be done when the top layer of soil is dry. Moderate watering should be given. Moist must not soggy. Water loading should be avoided. Make sure the drainage hole of the pot isn’t blocked due to soil accumulation.

Humidity: As it is tropical in origin, it loves humidity. So, some people keep it on the bathroom window. 40%-50% humidity is ideal for this plant. You can use bottle spray to maintain humidity.

Sunlight: As summer commences, the pink color of the Syngonium becomes deep which makes it more attractive. Pink Syngonium loves filtered bright sunlight.

Ferlitizer: As it is a leafy plant, nitrogen is mainly required. Nitrogen helps to impart good color to leaves. Homemade fertilizer can also be used like: oil cake, bone meal, ash, fermented banana peels, neem cake.

Repotting:  Repotting should be done during the dormant season. When the roots become pot-bound condition then repotting should be done.

Syngonium plants can be propagated mainly in two ways famous one is by leaves, making a cutting and growing in water until some root growth and later transfer to pot or soil. Another way is from root division, each stem contains some leaf, separate, root with stem and leaves, makes another plant from it.

If we talk about the indoor houseplants and not mention Syngonium, then it will be an injustice because it has wide varieties, leaves are beautiful, grow with minimal care, can be grown as a vine, and has many colors. Let us discuss its beautiful variety having pink leaves called, Pink Sycamore.

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