Pink Dragon

Pink Dragon

The Alocasia ‘Pink Dragon’ (Alocasia calidora) stands out because of their pink petioles and rounded arrow-shaped leaves.

Alocasia calidora ‘Pink Dragon’ Care Guide

Light :Bright, indirect light

Water: Use unsoftened, filtered, bottled, or tap water sitting 24 hours to release the chemicals and water enough to discharge the drainage holes. Once the water is fully drained, replace them into the cache or decorative pot. Keep the plant’s soil registering at 4-5 on the moisture meter.

Humidity: Add humidity by adding a pebble tray filled with water, grouping with other plants or using a humidifier. Refrain from misting or getting water on the leaves as this may cause plant diseases.

Temperature 60-80°F: Alocasia ‘Pink Dragon’ prefers a warm, humid temperatures between 60-80°F. They will go into dormancy if the temperature goes below 60°F.

FertilizingSeasonally Outside: Alocasias need a slow-release fertilizer added to the soil and replenished every two to four weeks during the growing season. In the fall and winter months, back off to once per month in tropical locations. Inside: When watering, add a water-soluble fertilizer at half strength to maintain their heavy feeding requirements during the growing season. Cut back on this regimen in the fall and winter months while they rest.


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