Pink Princess

Pink Princess

Beloved for its pastel-hued leaves, the pink princess philodendron is a rare collector’s item for plant-lovers.

The pigmentation is known as variegation, and it refers to when areas of the leaf lack chlorophyll. It’s rare to find a plant in nature with black leaves, and that’s what makes Pink Princess so unique: It’s a black or nearly black Philodendron with hot pink variegation.

The pink princess philodendron is a tropical aroid in the Araceae family.This colorful plant is actually pretty easy to care for.

Name : Philodendron Pink Princess
Color : Pink
Height : 60cm
Specification : 1In1
Origin : GuangDong,China
Quality : Excellent
Certificate : Phytosanitary Certificates ; Certificate of Origin
Shipping method : Air Transport ; Sea Freight

The Pink Princess is a rare and much sought after philodendron with stunning, variegated dark green and pink leaves.

Give your Pink Princess Philodendron bright indirect light for at least 8 hours a day, either it’s under grow lights or by a south facing window. You will also need to provide at least 65% humidity for pink leaves to unfurl smoothly. That can make your pink princess philodendron pink.


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