Florida Ghost

Florida Ghost

Caring Tips:

Philodendron Florida Ghost needs regular watering, as and when the soil in the pot dries out. Check the soil by sticking your finger into the soil up to the second knuckle (about 2.5cm deep) – if it is dry, you can water the plant. If it is wet or moist, let it dry out some more and check again in a day or two.

  1. Bright, indirect light.
  2. Water when the top one to two inches of the potting mix is dry.
  3. Use a well-draining, airy potting mix.
  4. Provide with humidity and warm temperatures.
  5. Fertilize once a month during the growing season using a balanced fertilizer diluted by half.
A Philodendron Florida ghost needs an equal amount of day and night. This means if you’re using artificial lights, you need to make sure it’s getting 12 hours of light. And 12 hours of darkness

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