Climate: Syngoniums like humidity, so maintaining a high humidity environment will keep your plant happy and healthy.
Soil: Like most plants, the Syngonium likes well-draining soil. It’s not very picky, but thrives most in slightly acidic to neutral ground with a pH of 5–7. If grown in potting soil, you can mix in some peat and perlite for more aeration.
Water:Don’t let the soil completely dry – maintain slightly moist soil in spring and summer, then slightly drier in the cooler months. A good rule is to check the top 3.0cm of soil – if it’s dry, it’s time for watering!
Fertilizer: You do not have to feed a syngonium but it will grow quicker if you do. A balanced feed once a month in the spring and summer will encourage growth.
Humidity: 50% humidity is ideal for syngoniums. They will flourish if given the high end of normal household humidity. They will be fine in lower levels, too, but get them to 50% to get the best out of them.
Toxicity: Like other aroids, syngoniums contain calcium oxalate crystals and are toxic / poisonous to pets and humans.