Milk confettizs

Milk confettizs

Propagation:Syngoniums can be propagated easily by taking cuttings and rooting them in water or soil. Both methods are effective and easy to perform.

  • Water propagation:Once you have your cutting you can place it in a vessel of water. People will often use test tubes or small jars for this because you typically will want something you can see through to monitor root development and water levels. You will want to make sure the leaf node is under water as this is where the roots will emerge.The process of root development will likely take about two weeks. In about a month total the root system will be extensive and strong enough to be transplanted to soil. Just take care to change out the water every 4 to 7 days or so, especially if you see it getting murky so there is less of a risk of a bacterial or fungal infection. If your water is especially hard with added minerals and fluoride it might be best to go for filtered or spring water for your propagation and later watering of your plants.
  • Soil propagation: You can choose to root your cuttings directly in soil. This method doesn’t give you the visual access to monitor the root growth but it does mitigate any sort of shock your cutting might have once transported from water into the soil.

Lighting: This plant typically gets dappled light so partial shade or partial sun conditions work well. If you have a window facing East or West your plant will likely enjoy making that spot its new home. Often when you have heavily variegated plants they will need more light, as their leaves do not have as much photosynthesizing capabilities as greener or unvariegated counterparts. Keep this in mind when you are trying to find the perfect spot for your plant.

Soil ,Water and Humidity:Well-draining soils are a must, as these plants like to stay evenly moist but not soaked. Make sure to stay on top of watering regularly, about when the top 2 inches of soil is dry. Your plant would appreciate additional humidity if your house is dry, or during the winter time when hot air is likely being circulated. Invest in a humidifier or find a good spot in a humid room for your plant to live. Always protect your plant from hot/cold drafts and from cold temperatures.

Fertilizing:Fertilizing during the growing season can give your plant the boost of nutrients it needs to fill out its pot.


Syngonium “milk confetti” is a rare tropical vine prized for its beautiful pastel colors with a milky green base color foliage. Found naturally in rainforests in South America this plant thrives under the canopy protection of the trees they climb.

All members of the Syngonium genus have dramatic arrow shaped leaves and a trailing growth habit, but there are many different varieties to choose from with some patterns and colors more outstanding than others. This can make distinguishing similar but different species difficult.

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