

Water: Remember that you should water the Calathea lutea only when the topsoil feels dry to the touch. If you want to keep your calathea alive, provide medium watering.

Light Requirements:  Considering the this plant’s leaves are large, we know that it would require a high amount of light. The foliage is broad and would certainly absorb more sunlight. So, try to find the brightest spot at home. If you have none, the other choice is to put it somewhere outdoors and make sure the area is partially shaded to avoid direct exposure to sunlight. However, inasmuch as it loves plenty of light, it wouldn’t like prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Temperature: A temperature range between 65°F to 80°F, or about 18°C to 27°C is always best.

Potting and Repotting Techniques:  If the calathea is planted on a pot, be sure to plant it while the roots are free from root bound or suffocation. Remember that this cuban cigar can grow really big. After about two years, you need to transfer it to a bigger container. Wait for early or mid-spring before you repot your cigar calathea. Your goal is to minimize the stress that the plant will possibly experience. Be careful not to damage the roots when potting it to a new container.


It’s a beautiful and elegant plant, and its diurnal motions are known as nyctinasty. Nyctinasty refers to the circadian regular nastic movement (opening and closing of some flowers or leaves) in reaction to the advent of darkness or a plant sleeping. Plant Type: Herbaceous plant Exposure to Sunlight: Bright indirect light, Partial shade Soil Type: Well-drained but moist soil; rich in organic matter Color: Green, dark red (flowers) Water:  Medium amount Favorable Climate: Tropical Climate Preferable Fertilizer: Organic Plant Feed (fertilizer) Propagation: Stem Division Toxicity Warning: Toxic Status:  Rare Height: 1.5 to 4 meters

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