Lemon Lime

Lemon Lime

Plant Type:Climber

Plant Size :

12 to 24 inches height

7-10 inches in length

1-2 inches width

Foliage  :Bright lime green with light brown, pink tint

Grown for:Decorative purpose

Root Growth  :Numerous roots per stems

Growth Habit:Grows throughout the year

Lemon Lime Philodendron is tropical vegetation with vivid shades and aesthetic looks. They are commonly adorned in indoor areas to liven up a more relaxed atmosphere. Lemon Lime is an easy-growing plant that requires indirect sunlight, 40-50% humidity, 60-75°F temperature, and a warm environment. It is not very demanding in lighting, fertilization, and other factors. However, they are sometimes intrigued by inappropriate watering habits, which we can quickly solve.

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