Hoya carnosa

Hoya carnosa

Hoyas are slow-growing, vining plants that are also known as wax plants due to their thick and shiny foliage. These easy to care for plants make great gifts!

Hoya are tropical plants that thrive in humid conditions. Use a humidifier to bring the humidity levels up, especially in winter when indoor air tends to be dry. A saucer with gravel and water also provides humidity as the water evaporates. Misting with room-temperature water also helps but avoid spraying the flowers.

Water Hoya Carnosa according to the season; Keep the soil slightly moist in between waterings Spring to Fall, (water it lightly once a week, and mist it twice a week). Let the top inch of soil dry out in between watering Fall to Spring, (water it lightly once every two weeks and mist it twice a week).

Most hoya plants prefer medium to bright, indirect light. Some do well with about two hours of direct sunlight in the morning or evening, but too much sun exposure may burn their leaves or turn them yellow.

In good conditions, Hoya plants produce clusters of starry flowers, some of which have a sweet scent. Hoya plants need to be fully mature to flower. This typically means 5 to 7 years before you see the first bloom. However, depending on the variety, it can take years for the plant to decide to bloom



The Hoya Carnosa is one of the best plants for house plant beginners. It’s very easy to maintain, requires little water, and adapts well to …
Soil pH: 6.1 to 6.5 pH
Soil type: well-drained, aerated
Light conditions: bright, indirect light

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