Hederaceum Heart Leaf

Hederaceum Heart Leaf

Environment & Light:  Make sure to keep Heartshaped Philodendrons out of direct sunlight – they will burn. Medium or bright indirect light is your best bet, however your Heartshaped Philo will tolerate lowlight conditions. Temperatures between 24-27 degrees Celcius during the day and 13 degrees Celsius in the evening will provide the best environment for your plant to thrive.

Use a quick draining, well-aerated potting soil.

Give your plant a good soaking and then allow the top half of the soil to dry out before watering again.
Yellow leaves indicate over-watering and brown leaves mean that your plant needs more water.

Pests & Disease:
Aphids, Spider Mites, Mealy Bugs, Thrip, and Scale are the main culprits of infestation. The main disease issue is root-rot from overwatering.


With its deep-green, heart-shaped leaves, this Philodendron is a beauty. Heartleaf Philodendrons are also super easy to care for and almost impossible to kill. And, as an added bonus to their good looks, Heartleaf Philodendron Plants are great at removing air-born toxins such as formaldehyde. All Philodendron plants are poisonous, so please make sure to keep them up and away from little hands or where your much-loved pets might get at them.

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