

Climate: Syngoniums like humidity, so maintaining a high humidity environment will keep your plant happy and healthy.

Soil: Like most plants, the Syngonium likes well-draining soil. It’s not very picky, but thrives most in slightly acidic to neutral ground with a pH of 5–7. If grown in potting soil, you can mix in some peat and perlite for more aeration.

It’s important to have good air circulation around the roots, as otherwise they could rot.

Water:Don’t let the soil completely dry – maintain slightly moist soil in spring and summer, then slightly drier in the cooler months. A good rule is to check the top 3.0cm of soil – if it’s dry, it’s time for watering!

Avoid overwatering your plant, as this can lead to root rot. Conversely, if you under-water your plant, it could lead to yellowing, droopy leaves.

Sunlight:The Syngonium Fantasy can tolerate low-light conditions, making it a perfect plant for indoor spaces. Avoid placing it under direct sunlight, which could cause leaves to burn and fade.

Toxicity: Like other aroids, syngoniums contain calcium oxalate crystals and are toxic / poisonous to pets and humans.

It is a popular indoor plant because it is so dependable. “Fantasy’ is one of the most attractive and interesting variegated cultivars of this species because each leaf is patterned differently with stunning white variegation. The plant must be propagated from cuttings to maintain the variegation. If new leaves begin reverting back to full green cut back to encourage new growth from stems with stronger variegation, which will have a higher chance of shooting out variegated leaves.

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