Sunlight: Semi-shade, bright filtered light
Water: 3 times a week.
Fertiliser: Recommend slow-release nutricote or organic Aquis organic lactobacillus fertilizer.
Dracaena Goldieana is a rare and very attractive dragon tree variety! Also called Zebra Striped Dragon Tree, this plant features ovate leaves that are beautifully marbled with a green and white alternating. New foliage has a red underside. This plant is a rare gem for lovers of special foliage!
Dracaena Goldieana is slow-growing and can reach up to 1-2m in indoor cultivation. When young this plant usually has a single stem, as it matures it may branch. Native to tropical Africa, it grows as a tropical woodland understory plant in nature. This plant is rarely seen for sale because it is so very slow to propagate and grow.
Name : Dracaena Goldieana, Zebra Striped Dragon Tree
Color : Green and White
Height : 30cm
Specification : 1In1 ; 2In1
Origin : GuangDong,China
Quality : Excellent
Certificate : Phytosanitary Certificates ; Certificate of Origin
Shipping method : Air Transport ; Sea Freight
Sunlight: Semi-shade, bright filtered light
Water: 3 times a week.
Fertiliser: Recommend slow-release nutricote or organic Aquis organic lactobacillus fertilizer.
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