The Alocasia Cantaloupe/ Alocasia Melo (also known as Alocasia Rugosa) is one of the most instantly eye-catching plants we’ve seen! A variety of Jewel Alocasias (drawf Alocasia plants with ornamental leaves), this little terrestial plant is a newly-documented species. Its claim to fame is obvious – it’s leaves! Bluish-green leaves are pressed with deep, symmetrical grooves that come together in an intricate, almost mosaic-like pattern. Its textured resemblance to a cantaloupe melon gives your plant its nickname.
Growing near the rocky floor of lowland rainforests, Alocasia Melo can tolerate low-light conditions. But for best growth, give it medium to bright but indirect light. An East-facing or North-facing window is ideal. While up to 2-3 hours of (gentler) morning or evening direct light is okay, avoid direct sunlight in the afternoon, when the sun is at its hottest.
When watering your Alocasia Melo, consider its succulent-like leaves. This adaptation helps your plant efficiently store water, so they tend to need less water than other houseplants.
Alocasia Melo is native to tropical lowland rainforests, so thrives in high humidity. For best growth, shoot for >70% humidity. While it still can grow at ~50%, you really want to be above this level to see your plant thrive.
Mild indoor temperatures are ideal for your Alocasia Melo. Anything between 60 – 85 degrees F (16 – 29 degrees C) is perfect. They are also able to grow outdoors year-round in USAD hardiness zones 10 and 11.