The Black Prince Rubber (Ficus Elastica Burgundy) is a popular ornamental plant. A rare variety of the Ficus Elastica or the Rubber Tree is the Black Prince with almost black with bronze undertones and red sheath, elegant leaves. The thick, leather-like, oval-shaped leaves with interesting color are the key attraction of a rubber plant. A sophisticated plant to add to your collection. Consider a rubber tree plant, whether indoors or outdoors. It’s natural habitat it grows over 30 metres tall, however, the varieties grown inside are a much more manageable height.
Black Prince Rubber Tree thrives best bright indirect sunlight. They can tolerate medium light settings, but expect slow growth and lighter foliage. Therefore, if you’d like to maintain its elegant dark color, place them in a bright spot in your home. But make sure not to expose them to direct sunlight as this might damage its leaves. Rubber Trees also like to slightly dry out in between waterings. So suggested watering schedule is once a week or when the soil is halfway dry already. Make sure that excess water drains at the bottom of the pot to prevent root rot.
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