Philodendron white wizard

Philodendron white wizard

White Wizard is an elegant, small-leafed plant with green/white leaves and very large white flowers. It looks lush when grown on a hanging basket in the sun or with plenty of light from other sources. White Wizard is an easy to grow, fast-growing houseplant that tolerates low light levels and neglect.


The philodendron white wizard is a notoriously beautiful variegated philodendron that has boomed in popularity and price the last few years.

Care Summary

Light needs:Bright indirect sunlight.
Watering needs:Water it when the top 50% of the soil is dry, check it once a week.
Fertilizer: A balanced liquid feed once a month in spring and summer.
Soil:A rich, well draining potting compost.
Humidity:50% or more.
Temperature:18°C to 27°C (64-81°F)
Where to buy:Try our list of Rare Plant Shops.
Other names:Philodendron erubescens white wizard.
Common issues:Overwatering and leaf burn on the variegated parts.


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