Alocasia sinuata is a small growing endemic with bullate, thickly coriacaeous shiny leaves. The plants start out green then mature into a deeper green with almost metallica gre patina and with dark green sunken veins. It is a genus of rhizomatous or tuberous, broad-leaved, perennial, flowering plants from the family Araceae. There are about 90 accepted species native to tropical and subtropical Asia and eastern Australia. Around the world, many growers widely cultivate a range of hybrids and cultivars as ornamentals.
Sunlight: Partial Sunlight
Water: should be thoroughly watered by soaking or drenching the entire root system with water when the top 1 inch of soil is dry. Leaves can be wiped to keep them glossy.
Fertiliser: Keep plant in top form by feeding the plants every few weeks with a dilute solution of liquid fertiliser or sprinkling solid fertiliser over the soil.
Soil: Alocasia sinuata should be grown in fertilised potting mix. Make or buy a fertilised mix which consist of coco peat moss or coconut fibre (coir), vermiculite or perlite, compost and other ingredients. A lightweight soil for Alocasia sinuata needs to provide good drainage, hold moisture, and give roots room to grow.