Red Rojo Congo

Red Rojo Congo


Philodendrons thrive in medium to bright indirect light, but will tolerate darker spots as well.


Use a well-draining potting mix, ideally containing some coco coir, bark and perlite. You can also grow Philodendrons in soil-less mixes like sphagnum moss and perlite or hydroponics.


Philodendrons like their soil to dry between waterings. Water when the top 3cm of soil are totally dry to the touch.


Most Philodendron, especially the Erubesecens varieties, will thrive in average humidity. However, some of the more tropical and velvety species will require higher humidity to survive.


All Philodendron are toxic to humans and animals if ingested.

Philodendrons come from the humid forests of South America, so they thrive in a warm and well lit position with bright indirect light. Keep them away from drafts and heating units as they won’t like cold drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. It’s important to keep up a regular watering routine. In summer you want to keep the soil moist but not soggy. To monitor this, you can use your finger to poke into the top 5 cm of potting mix and feel the soil moisture level before watering. If it feels wet, let it dry out for longer. Over watering can lead to fungal issues or root rot. Try watering once a week, using just enough water to start to see some draining from the bottom of the pot. During winter, when the plant isn’t in an active growing phase you should reduce watering frequency.

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